Become a Member

Membership Eligibility/Guidelines:

  • Applicant for membership should currently be in the position of CIO/CTO SVP/EVP/GM or similar position, (Collectively refereed as CIO in this document) He / She should be the senior most IT person at their organisation / decision maker for IT (for the chapter region being applied) for the organisation irrespective of the size of the organisation. The terms of employment may be contractual or permanent.
  • Individual should be in employment at time of applying for new membership. Retired CIOs will not be eligible for new membership
  • Membership will not be given to an individual who is a CIO of their own company.
  • CIOs of companies who are holding different roles in multiple companies will be allowed to be a member as long they are active in a CIO role in any one company and compliant with the guidelines above.
  • Updated contact information (Designation, Company Name, Mobile, Official email address) should be filled by members on website or may be sent to as soon as the change occurs to keep the member list up to date and avoid bounced email messages.
  • Membership is non-transferrable.

Membership Do’s and Dont’s:

  • Submit your official company details when applying for membership. Applying with personal details only is likely to get your application rejected.
  • Promote the C-Suite Circle amongst your own peer network. If you know someone who is not a member and can be eligible for membership, do recommend them to apply and help grow the community.
  • Do communicate any change in your status, contact details or company to the C-Suite Circle Help Desk @


  • Do not solicit business for your company through the C-Suite Circle forum. CIOs of IT companies, CIOs in multiple roles and CIOs who undergo a change of primary role are prohibited from promoting their own business through the club.
  • Do not share member contact details to vendors without permission from the member/s.
  • On any official communication channels (Email groups, official WhatsApp groups), members are requested to only stick to IT related topics and avoid discussions on politics, religion and controversial topics as well as refrain from sending forwards, jokes and memes.