
Tenable launches AI Aware for enhanced AI and LLM security

Tenable launches AI Aware for enhanced AI and LLM security
Photo Credit: Pixabay

Tenable, a cybersecurity firm, has launched AI Aware, a new solution aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in artificial intelligence systems and large language models. The tool provides organisations with a way to detect and manage risks in artificial intelligence (AI) applications, libraries, and plugins without disrupting business operations. 

AI Aware is designed to improve security by detecting both authorised and unauthorised AI software and related vulnerabilities. It uses a combination of agents, passive network monitoring, dynamic security testing, and scan engines to uncover potential risks such as exploitation, data leakage, and unauthorised resource usage, as per the company. 

Shai Morag, chief product officer, Tenable, said, “Tenable AI Aware empowers organisations to deploy AI confidently, ensuring their security measures keep pace with the rapid evolution of AI technologies.” 


Key features of AI Aware include integration with Tenable Vulnerability Management, Security Center, and Tenable One platforms. These features offer dashboard views to track AI software in the ecosystem, identify vulnerabilities, and monitor commonly used communication ports in AI technologies. 

The solution also includes tools for detecting unauthorised AI development in the organisation and filtering AI-related findings during vulnerability assessments. Tenable’s Vulnerability Prioritisation Rating (VPR) helps teams prioritise AI-related risks for efficient response. 

Additionally, AI Aware provides an asset-centric inventory of AI packages, libraries, and browser plugins to give users a comprehensive overview of AI resources in their environment. 


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