
The Customer Engagement imperative: Building for the future

The Customer Engagement imperative: Building for the future

Walt Disney once famously said, "Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do."

The world's leading entertainment company has been living this advice by offering their guests a 'magical experience' that delivers value far more than the price paid. The pandemic prompted the company to redesign its guest experience by introducing newer tools enabling advanced reservations, mobile food ordering, and virtual queuing, thus keeping the 'priceless' customer experience intact.

This highlights the importance of firms adopting advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics, to meet the evolving expectations of customers. Let's examine how companies can transition their digital transformation journeys into intelligent CX for their customers:


Use AI- for better customer management

AI-powered Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems facilitate decision-making and transform business success using sophisticated algorithms and data analytics to offer more profound insights into consumer behaviour and trends. These systems process vast amounts of real-time data, enabling companies to predict future customer demand, customise interactions, and improve marketing tactics with unprecedented precision. AI-driven CRMs also enhance customer satisfaction, boost revenue growth by spotting high-value opportunities, and free up human resources for more strategic work by automating repetitive chores and delivering actionable intelligence. 

Consider the potential gains a business could achieve by adjusting its production and delivery schedules and altering its vendor procurement strategies based on market dynamics. In addition to operational efficiency, it provides increased knowledge and flexibility, ultimately leading to a long-term competitive advantage. For example, using cloud technology, India's leading agri-tech company, WayCool Foods, has reduced food waste from an average of 30% to just 1%. 


Level up your customer experiences with better engagements

Today's customers demand personalised engagement. To meet this, we must go beyond the boundaries of traditional service criteria. This is where a robust Customer Data Platform (CDP) can help. CDP is a packaged software that can unify and integrate multiple data sources into a single, comprehensive view, enabling marketers to better understand customer choices across all touchpoints.

One of the challenges for today's marketers is automating the perfect customer journey. The CDP plays a crucial role in connecting both upstream and downstream applications. Organisations can anticipate customer needs, proactively address concerns, and provide tailored experiences with unified data. This optimises marketing budgets, executes impactful campaigns, and fosters deeper customer relationships.


Data Privacy is God 

The foundation of a superior CX strategy is data privacy. That's because it returns power to the customer, allowing the brand to build confidence. My experience suggests that customers are more likely to trust brands that handle their personal information carefully and transparently. It is, therefore, imperative that organisations have strong security tools in place and be compliant with local regulations. The question here is how do you provide tailored experiences without infringing on privacy? It is a thin line, and striking this balance is crucial, making data privacy a vital component of a CX data strategy.

Never forget, if the customer is king, data privacy is the god!


Masters of CX are those who leverage omnichannel engagement

CX can be significantly enhanced by omni-channel engagement tactics as they provide integrated interactions across online and offline ones. Simply put, they allow seamless client transitions between several touchpoints by guaranteeing uniformity in communication and service quality. In addition to meeting clients where they are, this experience instantly adjusts to their preferences and actions. Businesses gain an advantage when they have a unified perspective of the customer experience. An omnichannel approach is akin to having a genie by your side, guiding you through the customer journey, sharing insights and predicting the next steps. 

In the age of high customer expectations, predictive technologies and generative AI capabilities are game changers. When leveraged on the right platform, it can enable exponential growth, but its misuse can have dire consequences. The future of digital customer experience hinges on how well these technologies can be infused ethically into the core business processes of the organisation. Despite challenges, the potential to revolutionise customer engagement in the digital economy makes it a worthwhile endeavour.

Vinita Rai

Vinita Rai

Vinita Rai is Vice President- Enterprise Cloud at SAP Indian Subcontinent.

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