
Wipro, IISc's Centre for Brain Research team up for AI-driven health innovations

Wipro, IISc's Centre for Brain Research team up for AI-driven health innovations
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IT services company Wipro Limited and the Indian Institute of Science’s Centre for Brain Research (CBR) have collaboratively adopted artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data to enhance health and wellness on a major scale.
Lab45, one of the research teams under Wipro, will design an AI-based personal care engine. The tool shall look at someone's medical past plus way of life to assist them in keeping fit, doing positive changes in their habits plus enhancing their general well-being according to a statement by the company.
It is meant to provide personalised health advice for the purpose of reducing and managing heart disease risks as well as brain conditions related with it.
A digital app will be used by Wipro and CBR to test this new tool. Real-life scenarios will be simulated during testing; thus enabling collection of useful information that would be applied in further improvement of the person care engine.
Wipro’s Chief Technology Officer, Subha Tatavarti said, “We are thrilled about collaborating with CBR and IISc on healthcare innovation. Our personal care engine can help people manage health issues and improve their cognitive and social wellbeing.”
“Computing and brain science can be merged to develop tailored care solutions for chronic maladies, particularly for heart diseases associated with brain abnormalities," said Ajay Chander, Head of Research and Development at Wipro.
According to Professor K.V.S. Hari, Director of the Centre for Brain Research, “This will help us transform our research into practical health solutions faster.” 

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