IIT Roorkee, AIIMS Delhi develop healthcare app for pregnant women

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee has developed SwasthGarbh Mobile App for antenatal care and real-time medical support for pregnant women. The app was developed in collaboration with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), for women with poor access to healthcare services, especially those residing in rural areas.
“As higher neonatal mortality rate is an alarming concern, SwasthGarbh Mobile App will provide real-time medical support to all pregnant women and improve maternal-fetal health. This is a gift from IIT Roorkee to all the women in India/World and will help us to move forward in the Prime Minister’s Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat mission,” Prof. Deepak Sharma, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Roorkee, said. The app is available on Google Playstore.
The SwasthGarbh app enables two-way communication between doctor and patient for real time medical assistance; maintains a record of hospital visits, clinical tests, and symptoms; sends notifications in case any of the body vitals crosses the normal range; offers precautionary advice for events like a pandemic. In the future, the team plans to use machine learning algorithms for predicting the occurrence of any abnormality so that timely intervention can be made.

In process to develop the app, the team conducted a clinical assessment of 150 patients to test the utility of the app. As per their claim, the patients registered on the app demonstrated a higher number of mean antenatal visits and better compliance with the WHO guidelines.
Highlighting the utility of the App Prof. Rama Chaudhry, Dean (Research), AIIMS New Delhi, said, “SwasthGarbh App will be quite useful for providing potential solutions to common problems in pregnancy. Our goal is to make the SwasthGarbh App reach every household of our country and thus save precious maternal-fetal lives.”