Govt mandates vehicle tracking devise on all vehicles carrying hazardous goods
In order to ensure safety on movement of goods across the country, the government has made it mandatory for all vehicles carrying dangerous and hazardous goods to install approved vehicle system devices.
The ministry of road transport and highways has notified the changes according to which vehicles carrying various gases, such as argon, nitrogen, oxygen among others, and goods of dangerous or hazardous nature will have to be fitted with vehicle tracking system devices.
It has been mandated that that every vehicle of categories N2 and N3, manufactured on and after the 1 September, 2022, in the case of new models, and 1st day of January, 2023, in the case of existing models, carrying dangerous or hazardous goods, shall be fitted with a vehicle tracking system device as per Automotive Industry Standard (AIS) 140.
At present, vehicles, which are not under the ambit of national permit, and carrying dangerous goods, are not fitted with Vehicle Tracking System devices as they are not mandated to do so unlike vehicles with national permit. Various suggestions were made that carrying such hazardous goods within the city limits also poses risk and there was a need for monitoring movement of such vehicles.