6 ways to remove bias in recruitment using HR tech

In a professional environment, it is not surprising to see ample instances of how employees are usually biased towards others, the management and even their job roles. At certain times, the biasness occurs consciously while at other times, it may happen unconsciously. As humans, we have this inherent nature to judge and weigh which can adversely affect our ability to make well-informed decisions. Since the recruitment industry is already feeling the grunt of ‘the Great Resignation’, biasness is the last thing we should be worried of.
Though companies are quickly adopting a culture of diversity and inclusivity by incorporating approaches to reduce bias in their hiring process, institutional bias still remains an issue. But thanks to technological advancements, eliminating bias in recruitment is practically becoming easier. AI-enabled HR technologies have finally come to the rescue to eliminate bias in hiring by using scientific methods of selecting and sourcing talent.
The utilization of AI to get rid of bias and promote workforce diversity isn’t something new. However, an increasing number of organisations nowadays are eager to use such technologies to source better talent, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, age and other traits. Here’s a look at the 6 ways HR tech is enabling organisations to reduce bias in the recruitment process:

Standardise Interviews
When interview questions are standardised, it can create a fair and consistent experience for every candidate. Irrespective of whether the candidate is referred by an employee or applied through a job portal, the same questions should be asked to the candidates to provide them with the same opportunity. By using AI hiring tools, interviewers can come up with consistent interviews that concentrate on the answers by the candidates to the same questions. AI analytics can then step to assess every candidate objectively before giving the results to the interviewers to evaluate.
Mask Information and Appearance

Present-day AI technologies are enabling organisations to dramatically reduce the information in the profile of a candidate so that recruiters are not able to involve their biases. By using advanced keyword trackers and machine learning, AI is helping mask crucial information like background, gender, race and age. Also, virtual interviews can be completely masked nowadays which indicates that a person’s voice and appearance can never be subjected to human bias.
Test Skills of Candidates Using the Same Metrics
Instead of simply focusing on what the CV of candidates’ claims, employers can use skill assessments to gauge their skills. This can help candidates as it helps to avoid exclusion because of assumptions. For skill assessment, various mediums can be used which can then be evaluated by AI using standardised criteria. It also means that future interviews can be conducted simply based on the test score results and all of this takes place even before any character information of candidates is revealed.

Interviewers with Diverse Backgrounds
To bring about diverse outcomes during the recruitment process, it is always a good idea to have interviewers with diverse backgrounds. With AI, group assessment and collaboration can be done instantaneously with continuous discussion. AI in virtual interviews allows every interviewer to get the opportunity to score and rank a candidate together at the same time. This can lead to different analyses and perspectives from a range of present employees.
AI-based Sourcing to Increase the Diversity of the Talent Pool

Ai can help employers locate the ideal candidates and add them to their talent pool. Intelligent AI-based solutions can develop a mock profile of the perfect candidate and search job boards to find matches. Since AI is put to use, wide-ranging profiles of candidates can be scanned simply based on the skills such as corporate fit and performance. Once added to the employer’s talent pool, it becomes diverse naturally.
Data-Driven Decisions
Equitable and objective recruitment can only happen when the bias and human factors are erased from the equation. Thus, interviewers can simply rely on intelligent insights and facts. Presently, AI solutions can draw various insights from skill assessments, interviews and candidate profiles. This is an ideal way to highlight critical skills required for roles and benchmark objectively.

As employers become aware of the importance of having a diversified talent pool, technology is assisting them to accelerate and automate their efforts. While there’s always a scope for bias in the recruitment process, employers can take necessary steps to eliminate the same and reach the best candidates.

Vicky Jain
Vicky Jain is the Founder and CEO of uKnowva HRMS, an HR automation software provider based in Mumbai.