KnowledgeHut upGrad announces UI/UX bootcamp to equip learners with latest design tools

Bangalore-based KnowledgeHut upGrad, a technology skilling provider, has announced the launch of a UX (user experience)/UI (user interface) bootcamp to provide an enriching learning experience to aspirants who are looking to upskill and even kick start their career in this field.
The 6-12 weeks extensive UI/UX Bootcamp will enable candidates in mastering the latest design tools and workflows used by the industry to develop an understanding of usability, UI design patterns, and user psychology. This Bootcamp is curated with an objective to make candidates industry ready by availing real-world experiences in building a portfolio of projects through the course of training.
“UI/UX Designers are heavily in demand across all industries as they closely work with different business functions with a clear goal of improving the user’s experience within an app or a website and increase customer satisfaction that ultimately helps increase the number of users for the businesses,” said Subramanyam Reddy, CEO and Founder, KnowledgeHut upGrad.

“Keeping the rapid demand for designers in the market, we have launched UI/UX Bootcamp to upskill aspirants and make them industry-ready along with a strong portfolio,” he said.
Globally, the demand for UI/UX designers is steadily growing with the rapid advancement of the internet, technology, and social media. Businesses are looking for designers who can build the next generation of websites, mobile apps and IoT interfaces. As a result, job growth for UI/UX designers is expected to rise to nearly 15% over the next 10 years, according to Burning Glass, which studies millions of job postings each year. Research on LinkedIn even reveals that there are over 1,00,000 job vacancies for UI and UX designers.
The Bootcamp begins on June 27, 2022, and is accepting applications from individuals from any background despite having an experience in design or tech to be specific.

In addition to the UI/UX bootcamp, KnowledgeHut upGrad has also launched a product management bootcamp to help learners understand the basics of product management. The course is designed for candidates who want to explore product management as a career option.