Telegram becomes Russia’s top messenger app: Report

At a time when major tech firms withdrawing or banning their services in Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine, the instant messaging app Telegram has emerged as the top messenger in the country.
Reuters in a report has claimed that Telegram has surpassed its close competitor WhatsApp in terms of the number of internet traffic. The average Telegram user in that transcontinental nation is consuming more data than a WhatsApp user on a daily basis, the report claimed.
The aforementioned newswire agency, citing telecom operator Megafon (which further cited some analysts), maintained that the London-based messenger app service major’s share of internet traffic went up to 63% in the first two weeks of March as compared to 48% in the corresponding period in February.

On the other hand, Meta-owned WhatsApp’s share of traffic drooped to 32% from 48% last month, as per Megafon’s findings.
“The popularity of the service has grown against the backdrop of restrictions on access to other messengers and social networks,” Megafon said in a statement that further added that the service started actively growing on February 24.
Also read: Facebook, Instagram change policy to allow violent posts against Russian invasion

According to a report, Telegram has 500 million active monthly users and it is aiming for one billion users by the end of 2022.
Pavel Durov, Telegram’s Founder, recently retweeted a post by his company, saying, “Telegram’s multi-national team includes many members from Ukraine. We all wish for an immediate end to the conflict. In these troubled times, we find consolation in the fact that our work at Telegram helps people get quick access to critical information – from verified official statements to airstrike alerts that bring civilians to safety. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this war.”
“We will continue improving Telegram’s ability to connect people in areas with limited coverage and withstand service disruptions.”