Gujarat rolls out new IT policy; aims to garner exports worth Rs 25,000 cr, create 1 lakh jobs by 2027

Gujarat government has unveiled a new Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS) policy for providing financial incentives of up to Rs 200 crore to industry players. To be in force for five years i.e. from 2022 to 2027, this new policy aims to generate employment for about 1 lakh people and garner exports worth Rs 25,000 over the next five years.
Launched at a formal event at a club in GIFT City, Gandhinagar, the new IT/ITeS policy replaces the 2016-2021 policy. At present, Gujarat’s IT-ITeS export stands at Rs 3,000 crore per annum.
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel announced the new policy in the presence of Jitubhai Vaghani, Minister of Education and Science and Technology. While presenting the policy he maintained that the state government has envisaged the creation of a conducive business ecosystem by formulating a robust policy framework and introducing simplified procedural requirements for setting up IT operations in the state.

“The objectives are to create high skilled, industry-ready IT talent pool; provide state-of-the-art IT Infrastructure; develop a unique and simplified incentive scheme; establish a robust cloud ecosystem in the state and foster research & development in new and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Quantum computing, Blockchain, etc.,” stated Patel.
While outlining the broad contours of the policy, the government stated that it envisions CAPEX support of 25% up to Rs 50 crore for normal projects and Rs 200 crore for mega projects. Under the OPEX model, the government will provide support of 15% up to Rs 20 crore per year for normal projects and Rs 40 crore per year for mega projects.
Apart from establishing Gujarat AI School/AI Center of Excellence, the government is also envisaging large-scale Information, Education and Communication (IEC) programme targeting school children and the general public for improving digital literacy and enhancing awareness of Information Technology.

“Gujarat is striving to get a place in the top five states of the country in the field of IT. He said that the new policy aims to make Gujarat a leader in world-class IT infrastructure, data centres and availability of innovation centres in emerging technology,” the Chief Minister further added.