DoT makes audio conferencing, audiotex or voice mail services part of unified license

The telecom department said Thursday that no separate license will be required for offering audio conferencing, audiotex or voice mail services, as they will be part of unified license from 2022.
The decision was taken following recommendations of sector regulator Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
"After examining the TRAI’s Recommendations on “Licensing framework for Audio Conferencing/Audiotex/ Voice Mail Services”, DoT has decided to make this license a part of the Unified License (UL) by adding a new Chapter for this authorisation," the department said in a notice.

"The licence fees of the new licensees and existing licensees will be 8% of AGR, which is at par with other licensees of UL," it added.
The change forms part of the series of policy reforms initiated in telecom sector. Presently, standalone license for VMS/Audiotex/ UMS are being issued by the department as per the existing guidelines dating back to 2001.
"No new standalone license or their renewal will be issued for VMS/ Audiotex/ UMS license against the DOT guidelines issued on 16.07.2001," it added.

As per the revised policy guidelines, the Audio Conferencing unit can be connected to both PSTN/Mobile and IP network as per TEC standards, and dial out facility will be allowed even if using resources of more than one access service provider subject to license conditions.
"Point-to-point conferencing has been allowed for providing services to Registered Enterprises in India," it noted.
Further, the service area for the license under unified license is being changed from circle or disrict level to national level, however, it will remain SDCA for standalone license of voice mail services or audiotex.