Lenovo launches new initiative that offers chance to work remotely from this island

Lenovo said it is rolling out ‘Work for Humankind’ initiative that invites volunteers globally for an opportunity to carry out with their office work from one of the remotest locations in the world.
Through this initiative, powered by Lenovo tech, volunteers will take their hybrid work to the Island and come together through several restoration projects on Robinson Crusoe Island to help prevent the extinction of endangered species and support the local community on its journey to sustainability.
Shailendra Katyal, Managing Director, Lenovo PCSD India, said “91% of the Indian respondents believe technology and tech companies are key factors in enabling people to work from anywhere. This provides an immense scope for companies like Lenovo to be a powerful catalyst for this change.”

Lenovo further said it is creating a cutting-edge technology hub with a range of technology devices, services and solutions, including high-speed internet connectivity, which will help the Island advance its goals.
The company claimed that it will be developing the infrastructure on the island to increase internet bandwidth to at least 10Mbps.

David Will, Head of Innovation at Island Conservation, said, “The innovation will enable us to develop much-needed connectivity solutions which will accelerate our ability to implement proven conservation actions.”