Freshworks and TCS join forces to unify customer touchpoints

San Mateo, California based customer engagement software solutions provider Freshworks has announced a partnership with information technology (IT) services giant Tata Consultancy Services to jointly build and market solutions for marketing, sales, support and ITSM (IT solutions management) for enterprises.
The solutions will be built on the Freshworks cloud software and will aim to unify customer touchpoints with artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions.
“Gone are the days when digital transformation projects took months to complete and years to deliver value. With cloud software like Freshworks, implementation could take as little as a few weeks and businesses will be able to see immediate benefits,” Sidharth Malik, Chief Revenue Officer at Freshworks said in a statement.

Mumbai based TCS will bring its client base, multiple domain exposure and digital transformation expertise to the partnership while Freshworks will add solutions that can unify the marketing, sales and support functions of clients, Malik said.
TCS will provide its digital offerings that have been built on its business 4.0 framework. The company calls its business 4.0 as a framework of business behaviours that could potentially optimise processes for companies. Mass personalisation and reducing risk are some of the behaviours that the company has been working on.
“Customer experience and relationship management continue to be a top priority for global businesses and a key element of the digital transformation journey,” Akhilesh Tiwari, global head, enterprise application services at TCS said.

Tiwari added that TCS will help Freshworks’ customers to pursue new growth opportunities and help with their digital transformation initiatives.
In May, Freshworks appointed Tyler Sloat as its chief financial officer (CFO). Sloat has over 25 years of experience in customer engagement solutions. He was previously the CFO at Zuora, a California based enterprise subscriptions software firm, where he guided the company towards a successful initial public offering (IPO).
Freshworks was recently in the news after a lawsuit was filed against the firm in San Mateo, California by software-as-a-solution (SaaS) provider Zoho for trade secret violations.