Watch: The growing menace of Covid-19 themed phishing attacks

As the Covid-19 crisis deepens across the world, phishing has grown into a significant problem for enterprises and consumers alike.
Search giant Google recently said it had detected around 18 million malware and phishing Gmail messages per day related to Covid-19. It also found over 240 million coronavirus-related daily spam messages. Israeli network security company Check Point Software Technologies identified Apple, Netflix, Yahoo and WhatsApp among the top four brands frequently used in phishing scams.

Read: Google says state-backed hackers deploying Covid-19 phishing attacks
And, California based cybersecurity company Palo Alto Networks found over 2,800 malicious Covid-19 themed domains hosted on the cloud.
Read: How enterprise and their at-home workforces can prevent a cybersecurity catastrophe

Phishing is an attempt to obtain personal information such as passwords and credit card details by posing as a trustworthy entity via an email.