Google rolls out Managed Google Play iframe for enterprises

Google has announced the launch of Managed Google Play iframe to allow enterprises to distribute and administer apps for their teams.
The Managed Google Play iframe will allow IT departments to help reduce security concerns that could arise from sideloading applications. Additionally, admins will be able to give the teams full access to the Android app ecosystem, Google’s blog stated.
“Managed Google Play iframe makes app distribution even easier, as IT admins can do so without leaving the enterprise mobility management (EMM) console,” said the blog.

The iframe is loaded with tools that help to publish private and web applications and curate public applications into collections which admins can later configure and securely distribute to their respective teams.
In order to help users find the specific apps they need, IT admins will be able to group whitelisted Android apps into “collections” that users can access from the managed Google Play store on their device. Admins will also have the power to create a frequently used apps’ list, change the order in which the collections appear and also the order of the apps that are bundled into the collections.
Private android apps can be published by admins directly from an EMM admin console onto the iFrame. While the traditional Google Play store needed hours to publish an app, the managed Play store can make live a new application within a few minutes.

The user interface (UI) can also be customised to fill the entire screen or show the device’s navigation bars.
Google said that enterprise mobility developers can visit the Google Developers documentation area on their website to add the iframe to the console and get specifics on implementing app management, distribution, permissions and other requirements.