Users will soon be able to comment on Google search results

Tech giant Google will soon allow users to comment on search results, which can not only be read but liked or unliked by others, SearchEngineJournal reported on Saturday.
Users can also comment on live sports games but cannot leave comments on search results without logging into their account. However, Google clarified that the comments will be subject to approval based on the firm’s content policies, the report stated.
"Your comments are public, so anyone can see what you write. The name on your ‘About Me’ page shows with your comments. You can't add an anonymous comment," the report cited Google’s help document as stating.

The new feature will also allow users to delete their comments, the report added.
The SearchEngineJournal’s report pointed out that there is also a page dedicated to comments within the search contributions section of users’ Google profiles.
Google’s official help page states, “You can leave comments on things you’ve searched for on Google.”

That may indicate that Google intends to roll out the comments feature for additional content as well.
This is not the first time that Google has experimented with ways to upgrade its search engine. Last year, it released an appointment-booking tool that allows users to make appointments through its website. Called Reserve with Google, the service displays bookings at nearby salons and gyms and provides users the facility to book and even pay for the service without them having to visit or call another website.