Nutanix’s latest updates offer enterprises enhanced private cloud services

Enterprise cloud infrastructure computing firm Nutanix has announced updates to its multi-cloud optimisation platform Beam. It will give the firm’s customers enhanced cost visibility and optimisation capabilities for their private cloud deployments. This means that Nutanix’s customers can set the right cloud for the right applications, the company said in a statement.
The Silicon Valley-based public company said that applications that are more predictable, such as data back-up, databases and enterprise applications can be more cost-effective when operating on private clouds, while less predictable workloads like mobile, digital and Internet of Things (IoT) services could be more suitable for public cloud infrastructure.
Enterprise firms keep their sensitive data on on-premise cloud infrastructure while storing non-sensitive data on the public cloud. They also run several applications on the respective clouds for their operations.

With the new Beam updates, customers can visualise cloud spend patterns from a single dashboard. This makes it easier for enterprises to take decisions, save money and ensure compliance with regulations, the company said.
Nutanix said that with hybrid cloud now as important as public cloud, customers would want to have a better understanding of usage. “For this to be successful, companies need to understand how they’re using infrastructure no matter what the platform and from a single view. Nutanix Beam now provides that visibility so customers can finally make informed decisions about their entire infrastructure,” said Sunil Potti, chief product and development officer at Nutanix.
According to a recent survey from technology research and advisory firm IDC, around 80% of customers have reported repatriating workloads from public cloud environments as they want better performance. The survey said that the increasing portfolio of disaggregated applications across multiple clouds requires a sharper focus for better performance. Nutanix stated that with the updates, Beam was better placed to do the required optimisation.

“With a large public cloud footprint and increasing cloud deployments, Beam can make sure that we have granular visibility. Fine-grained control is crucial to ensuring that enterprises do not overspend. Now, we have the same visibility in our future on-premise deployments to ensure complete cost optimisation across our multi-cloud infrastructure,” said Anuj Gupta, CEO, Hitachi Systems Micro Clinic, one of Nutanix’s clients.
Beam breaks up the costs of Nutanix’s different private cloud operations for its customers as well as with public cloud deployments on popular cloud platforms. It also shows information on how much enterprises are spending on each cloud platform. Beam can also alert customers via notifications about when they need to add more software based on current consumption trends.