Eyes are indeed the window to the soul, reveals a machine-learning algorithm

The eyes have it, going by a recent study in artificial intelligence.
Researchers from University of South Australia, in partnership with University of Stuttgart, Flinders University and Max Planck Institute for Informatics, have developed a new artificial intelligence system that can reveal the personality type from a person's eye movements.
Research findings show that people's eye movements reveal whether they are social, unsocial, conscientious or curious. The machine-learning algorithm recognises four of the big five personality traits: Neuroticism, extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

For the study, researchers surveyed the eye movements of 42 participants on a university campus performing everyday tasks. Before identifying their personality types using artificial intelligence, the candidates’ traits were also assessed through well-established questionnaires.
The artificial-intelligence study revealed links between unexplored eye movements and personality traits, providing insights for emerging fields such as social robotics and social signal processing.
According to Tobias Loetscher of University of South Australia, this research will provide opportunities to develop robots and computers to become more natural, and better at interpreting human social signals.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used to analyse human behaviour.
It has found use in the retail segment. Also, automated stores are being designed to help a shopper make a choice. A recent report said that Microsoft may help Walmart to counter Amazon’s edge in automated stores. Moreover, Salesforce is adding artificial intelligence to its CRM services cloud. CRM is customer relationship management.
In the field of behaviour, several aspects of human emotions are being understood and responded to using artificial intelligence. For example, an app powered by artificial intelligence can decode baby cries and help detect autism at an early stage.