Adobe working on 'Photoshop for audio'

US-based computer software firm Adobe is working on a new software christened as VoCo that will act like Photoshop for audio. Adobe developer Zeyu Jin presented a sneak preview of Project VoCo at the Adobe MAX conference in California on Thursday.
However, Adobe did not make it clear as to when Project VoCo will be launched for mass use, a report published by Creative Bloq said.
"When recording voice-overs, dialog and narration, people would often like to change or insert a word or a few words due to either a mistake they made or simply because they would like to change part of the narrative," Adobe said in a statement.

"We have developed a technology called Project VoCo in which you can simply type in the word or words that you would like to change or insert into the voice-over. The algorithm does the rest and makes it sound like the original speaker said those words," it said.
According to a report published by The Verge, the software has the ability to add words which do not exist in an already recorded audio file.
While demonstrating the software, Jin took a clip of speech and by simply typing new text into an edit box, he was able to add that text into the speech, in exactly the same voice, the report by Creative Bloq said.

In other words, he 'redubbed' what the speaker has actually said.
In a nutshell, beyond speech editing and noise cancellation features, Project VoCo can also add new words using a speaker's recorded voice.
According to the report, one will need at least 20 minutes of recorded speech for the engine to be able to accurately add new words to the audio clip.

While no timeline is specified for the launch of the new software, the early prototype has created a buzz. One will have to wait for Adobe to launch VoCo to figure out if the audio editing software will live up to expectations.