Govt schemes tracker The Indian Iris raises angel funding from Timbru Ventures

The Indian Iris, a policy research and consulting startup that focuses on analysing and simplifying government policies and schemes, has raised an undisclosed amount in angel funding from Ahmedabad-based Timbru Ventures.
The startup plans to use the funds to scale its operations, hire more resources for handing user queries, building and marketing its mobile platform Join R, and enhancing its user interface.
"In today's digital world, information is the new source of power. Many in our country do not get the right information at the right moment. If successfully implemented, it will create a huge impact," said Narayan DhulSingh, managing director, Timbru Ventures.

IIT Roorkee and IIM Ahmedabad alumnus Narayan Singh Rao, along with IIIT Bangalore alumnus Sahitya Sindhu, started The Indian Iris in May 2015 to bring all policies and schemes of central and state governments under one platform. The startup is supported by IIM Ahmedabad's Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship.
The team at The Indian Iris navigates through complex policy documents and decodes them for easy understanding of citizens, according to the company.
The Indian Iris, run by Positive Ventures Pvt. Ltd, has also developed an Android app 'Join R' that aims to deliver information that matter the most to Indian citizens, including policy- and government scheme-related information. Currently, this beta version of the app maps 6,50,000 villages of the country and allows an user to join his or her village community.

"We shall cover both welfare and business policies and schemes," Rao said. The startup is looking to build a policy and project consulting layer to generate revenues, he added.
At present, the website claims to see over 30,000 unique visitors with 145,000 page views per month.
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