TC Show Off Ep 30: How Voconow helps enterprises drive print commerce

In the 30th episode of TC Show Off, a weekly show that provides startups a platform to showcase their business models, USPs, etc, Voconow Enterprises Pvt Ltd's founder Anand Kulkarni elaborated how the firm helps enterprises drive print commerce.
"Print ads don't capture the power of the moment to convert an impulse into a sale. It doesn't provide any analytics and hence there are no actionable insights as well. Hence, it doesn't generate any direct revenues," said Kulkarni.

Print ads 2.0 is a mobile app which converts the static print ad into an interactive commercial leading to customer engagement.
Voconow is an eight-month old startup which was selected by Rackspace under its startup support programme and received credits worth $24,000 and Facebook start programme with credits worth $20,000.
Lenovo is its first enterprise client. It is looking to raise funds for product development, business development and operation expenses.

"In a developed market like the US, there has been a decline in the consumer behaviour and adveritising spend moved out of the newspaper and it is just a matter of time before it happens in India," said Nitin Nayar, MD, Warburg Pincus.