TC Show Off Ep 12: How Spayee integrates multiple learning mediums on a single platform

In the twelfth episode of TC Show Off, a weekly show that provides startups a platform to showcase themselves, their business models, the core USP etc., Delhi-based Spayee's co-founders Gourav Kakkar and Sandeep Singh showcase how their study material aggregation platform enables institutes to set up cloud-based smart digital libraries comprising of eBooks and other educational content like notes, assignments and project reports, etc.
The eight month old platform allows users to link their notes and resources to any topic, while providing accessibility anywhere and across any device. Students get recommendations on related content with which they can create their own notes on the platform, and then share them (the notes) for group study. They can also highlight parts of the notes where they have a doubt and tag teachers to ask questions about the same.
The company is also developing algorithms to record student's reading patterns and come out with assessment reports and analytics to identify their weaknesses. It will also suggest videos and provide practice tests in order to improve on those weaker topics.

Presently, it makes revenues from subscriptions and revenue share on online selling of content. The company claims to have tied up with leading coaching classes in the country, and is also in talks with a few publishers.
"How well they productise study material into digital content and how the platform behaves in terms of user experience will define the success or failure of the platform," said Prajakt Raut, founder, The Hub.
"This is a market where rapid expansion is going to be critical, because if the platform is successful in creating a need, many other players may also want to enter the segment," added Raut, emphasising on the need for the startup to identify one or two problems and solve those, instead of having multiple priorities.