Mydentist uses simple hub-and-spoke model to transform the mom-and-pop dental industry

The growth of Mydentist, the largest dental chain in Maharashtra with over 70 clinics, is a result of best practices from diverse sectors including healthcare and retail. Vikram Vora, the co-founder of the company, was initially running Total Dental Care with four clinics in partnership with dentists. He used to set up the entire clinic and charge a lease from the doctors.
With help from Seedfund, Vora completely changed the model and now owns all the clinics. From partnering with just eight doctors, the company has now been able to hire 150 doctors, 80 consultants, 250 assistants, 100 receptionists and 300 other staff members.

The firm has taken inspiration from Cafe Coffee Day to streamline its operations to ensure best practices being followed across all centres. It also take learnings from chains like Vatsalya Clinic to understand the best software systems in healthcare industry and their approach to customer relationship. "We've been able to find out models that are similar to us and apply that to our business rather than reinventing the wheel. In short, we have made the model very mature and actually work like an integrated closely linked company," said Vora adding that technology has been the biggest enabler.
Watch the video to understand the difference in the model of Mydentist and Total Dental Care and how Vora implied the best practices from across the sectors.