HRD Ministry launches national digital repository for schools

The ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) in India has launched a national repository of open education resources that has been prepared by NCERT (national council of educational research and training). The repository will be an open digital library that contains all types of educational content, be it documents, audio-visuals, interactive objects, and more. It aims to be an open resource of educational content that covers all subjects and all grades for school students, teachers, parents, among others, according to a PTI report.
The initiative is collaborative in nature wherein teachers (or anyone for that matter) can contribute to the building of the repository. "The chance of experimenting and showcasing one's own creation will give teachers much-needed confidence that they can also create," said MM Pallam Raju, HRD minister. He further added that the initiative has the potential to significantly contribute to and impact school education in the country.
The repository (currently under development) offers content in two sections- elementary education and higher & secondary level education. One can also search content under categories like written content, video, audio, interactive content, and images. The videos currently offered on the site come from various sources like CIET (central institute of educational technology).

While the initiative is a really good one, its success will depend on the content offered by the repository. Since NCERT is present in majority of schools, an open digital resource will help both students as well as teachers (to disseminate information). Although we feel that the site needs some work in terms of sorting and filtering the content.