Former Momentum Worldwide top exec Meera Chandra launches integrated communication agency

Meera Sharath Chandra, the former executive creative director of UK-based global marketing agency Momentum Worldwide, has launched a digital-centric integrated communication agency Tigress Tigress.
The company will engage with consumers and deliver brand strategy across all communication touch points, with digital at the heart of the experience. "We specialise in totally joined-up communication. Our thinking is new-age: the communication goes where the consumer goes. Therefore the online world is the start point and not the after-thought," said Meera, who is also CEO of Tigress Tigress.

The company follows three business models. The first is digital-led integrated communication for brands, where the agency will produce consumer engagement models on digital platforms. In the second model, it is targeting corporate spends towards charity-based activities in the field of healthcare, animal welfare, ecology and environment, and fitness and sport. In the third model, Tigress Tigress will focus on new and emerging target segments that marketers cannot ignore, explained Meera.
Started in September last year, Tigress Tigress claims that as a start point, the firm will cater to the ethnic minority groups in the UK. It will help shape and market global brands to ethnic audiences in that country and to customise and launch brands from ethnic markets to other parts of the UK.
With offices in Mumbai and London, the company has already partnered with various digital agencies such as Tatwaa and Coffee Digital in India, Vibrant Communications in China, Brazil, Peru and Egypt, Digital Marmalade and C R Wolcott Ltd in the UK and Ocean Pictures in Germany.

Meera has around three decades of working experience with various digital media agencies. At Momentum Worldwide UK, she oversaw its Manchester and London operations and was involved with EMEA initiatives. Prior to this, she was MD of Syzygy, another digital agency in the UK. She has also been on the board of an Intel-funded dotcom enterprise servicing clients in the US, Europe and Hong Kong, leading a 250-strong team.
(Edited by Prem Udayabhanu)