Live Blog: Google's Eric Schmidt in India day 2

- 600 million mobile users, 130 million net users, 20 million broadband users, by any definition India is under penetrated.
- We have to lower the cost of devices to maximise impact of internet in India.
- You want entrepreneurs to take risk, but you don't want them to go to jail.
- Its very important to make the transition to 4G because its more efficient.
- In India there is an education problem, medicine problem, banking problem, all can be solved with mobile internet.
- Talk about corruption, if everything is there on the internet, investigation is also easier.
- It's natural for firms to aggregate info on users & so its imp for Indian laws to respect right of privacy for citizens.
- The problem is that there is no delete button on the internet.
- If you let us record details, we can serve you better, but you don't HAVE to do it, we have provision for anonymous surfing.
- "When do I get Google Now app on my iPhone?" Well you need to discuss that with Apple (they did approve Google maps recently).
- "Why did you kill Google Reader?" Its an example of 'Spring Cleaning'.
- Part of Google's success is because we showed advertising can be science as well as an art.
- The future is mobile devices, no-one should be confused about it.
- The reason why mobile advertising should be more rewarding is that we have more information on the user.
- The reach of Twitter amazes me.
- You are selling 40% of your stock, is that an indication of your time ending at Google? Completely false. Google is my home.
- A reasonable model for newspapers/publications is to transition print subscribers to online subscribers.
- Kindle or Blackberry?- Blackberry
- Facebook or Twitter? Twitter has a different model, FB is in transition (I don't know what they are transitioning to)
- Amazon or Apple? They are both going to do well
- iPad Mini or iPad? iPad (iPad Mini is too small)
- India or China? In short term India, the math favours India & I am a mathematician
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