Online restaurant reservation site tablewalla.com goes live in Mumbai & Delhi

Tablewalla.com, a restaurant resRervation site run by Jasmine Restaurants Solutions Pvt Ltd, has started accepting table bookings for restaurants in Mumbai and Delhi. The site is still in beta and as of now is offering bookings for 11 restaurants in Delhi and Mumbai.
"We are still testing the site and by the time we officially launch the site later this month, this number should increase to at least 100 restaurants," said Nisha Khanna, founder, tablewalla.
The Delhi-based startup was founded in early 2012 by Nisha, a Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (BSc Economics) and London School of Economics & Political Science (BSc International Relations) alumnus. As of now, revenues are generated from commissions charged from the restaurants for each booking done on the site. The startup will look at charging a listing fee from the restaurants later.

Users can search for restaurants by name or area (Bandra, Janpath, etc.) and cuisine (bistro, Japanese, Thai, Indian, etc.). At a time, bookings for up to 10 people can be done from the site. The bookings are done in real-time and users will have to first sign up with the site for completing the bookings. The information provided on the restaurants includes photos, address and contact details, while menus will be added later. Nisha mentions that the startup will start online ads and marketing shortly.
A feature that we think can be added to the site is food ordering (since most of the competing sites are already that). Also, the startup needs to considerably increase the number of restaurants offered on the site.
The startup competes with JustEat that allows users to order food as well as book tables across in over 2,000 restaurants in Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai and TableGrabber, which offers table booking in Delhi-NCR. Then there is Bookurtable that also allows both ordering and booking in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi/NCR, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune and Poshvine that offers booking in premium restaurants in Bangalore.