Tanla & Muzigle Launch Solution For Classical Music Students

Hyderabad-based Tanla Solutions has launched an online solution called Guru Swara in collaboration with social music network Muzigle India Pvt. Ltd aimed at students of music. The solution, which is a combination of the website and a downloadable software, will allow artists and students of classical music to explore, learn and evaluate their performance against a comprehensive library of vocal tracks.
GuruSwara is being offered in a subscription-based model and combines a desktop application with a web-based library of hundreds of songs/kritis (music lessons). It has two key features: a music library which allows music teachers to build up a library of their vocal tracks; and inTune, an automatic voice assessment engine the company launched last year. With the help of the library and the engine, musicians can analyse, measure and test their skills online. GuruSwara will enable music teachers to give assignments and track students' progress.
"We offer a more complex analysis of the singing voice, which is not only focused in pitch characteristics but also on note analysis, timing characteristics and detecting expressivity and modulation in the performance. It has been a cumulative effort comprising of an eclectic team of system programmers, doctorates in signal processing and voice analysis, singers and musicians over three years to bring the level of sophistication needed to correctly assess the singing capabilities of a singer," said Satish Kathirisetti, Director & CTO, Tanla.

The BSE-listed Tanla has over 100 customers in 32 countries and provides solutions based on voice, video, messaging, application/ content licensing and mobile payments.