Zomato Forays Into Events

Restaurant site Zomato has forayed into events with a sub-site Zomato.com/Events, beginning with the national capital region and will soon take it to Mumbai and Bangalore.
In February, Techcircle.in had detailed the plans of the company and how it was diversifying into new listing categories such as night life and events.
The company has been building up a team to upload photos and videos of events which will develop engaging content for users. Categories for events include night life, performances, arts and literature, entertainment, music and dance, food and drink, theatre, business, talks and workshops, fashion and shopping, parties etc.

In a tweet, the company has said that the Events section is an extension of its restaurant guide – and will aim to provide users the best of what's happening around them.
For event organisers, Zomato.com will be another online platform where they can reach out to audiences and collect feedback in the form of reviews and comments. Zomato will offer advertising options for event organizers. Other sites which display event related information are: BuzzInTown, Burrp and Bookmyshow.com.
The online restaurant listings and menu-pages site by the Gurgaon-based DC Foodiebay Online Services Pvt. Ltd., has some 16,800 restaurants in ten cities. It is backed by InfoEdge India, the company behind recruitment site Naukri.com. Zomato recently launched mobile apps for Android and iOS which have received rave reviews for offering an 'explore' option.