
Cricket Sites Recorded 4M Visitors During World Cup Final: IMRB


The ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 notched up 4 million online visitors for websites in India broadcasting and reporting on the nail biting finish to the series.

Alootechie has reported that cricket websites gathered a record four million Indian visitors. Market researcher IMRB International announced this over Twitter today.

ESPNStar.com recorded 1.73 million Indians visitors at the end of final, while Cricket.Yahoo.com attracted 1.6 million Indians and nearly 0.3 million people visited CricBuzz.com, by the Bangalore-based Akuate Internet Services, an IT service provider.


At ESPN's live streaming site ESPNStar.com/CWCLive, visitors spent 41 minutes while visitors to CricBuzz.com were glued onto the site for nearly half an hour on average. The time spent on Cricket.Yahoo.com was 25 minutes and on EspnCricInfo.com was 21 minutes.

Fans spent on an average of 38 minutes on the website. The peak time slots for these websites were navigated between 12 PM to 6PM for soughing down all the match related updates.

Online streaming of the India v/s South Africa match held on March 12, reached over 1.5 million unique consumers on Espnstar.com/CWClive. To read about the top 10 Cricket Sites, Games & Mobile Apps according to Informate, read Techcircle.in.


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